Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Do the right things. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful. Forgiveness heals everything. HOWEVER GOOD OR BAD A SITUATION IS, IT WILL CHANGE. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. When you awake alive in the morning, don't take it for granted - EMBRACE LIFE. Your inner most is always happy. So , be HAPPY! Last but not least, Enjoy LIFE! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Myself :D @WanLingLiew

Hi,my name is Wan-Ling, and this year I'm 42 years of age. I live with my parents and a brother.My elder brother and his family are living in Australia and all his children are Australians.My own sister is married and living with a daughter in South Africa.She is working there too and she supports her own daughter. I am married to Y.T.Tan and I have two sons, Kenneth and Edward. They are schooling at a private Chinese School in Selangor. I have been married for 13 years. My mother-in-law is in charge of my husband's household and her grandchildren. Currently, I am living the American Dream and I am living the Aussie's way of life. My past time is surfing the net and reading.

I love to exercise everyday. In fact my parents are always exercising daily to stay alive and keeping up with the world. My brother is studying for his doctorate. I am helping my mother with the daily chores of everyday life. I am staying here for good because my children has grown up and they respected their own privacy. My partner's house is very small and cramped. My mother-in-law keeps the house clean and tidy and she also cooks for her son and her grandchildren. I am not living with her and my partner. It is better this way as we both demanded our freedom as well as our children's. So far we haven't spoken but we haven't quarrel at all.

I listened to the radio and my mom listens to her hi-fi downstairs. She listens to 98.8FM a chinese channel. I don't disturb my brother's privacy and he goes to his games playing Badminton at the court. I don't go to the gym to work out. I work out at home in the privacy of my own bedroom. I do push-ups, crunches and the cobra. I am keeping a low profile as I am not a publicity person. I'm down-to-earth and likes to spend time with my computer and my radio transistors and enjoying a walk at the park. I also go to the temple to pray.

So far my life has been serene. Just recently , I went down with flu and I went to 1 MALAYSIA to get my medicine and consult the doctor. I was treated very nicely and the queue wasn 't too long. There was a TV set provided and the medicine was good. I was healed on the third day of taking his medication..It was a stomach flu with fever and phlegm followed by coughing. The cough mixture was very tasty and after I finished the bottle, my cough slowly disappears. I thank God for 1 MALAYSIA.( a governmental clinic ):D