Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm so HAPPY , I want to PRAISE the LORD at ALL TIMES! ):

I'm so happy that I've found a JOB! I'll be STARTING WORK! I just can't wait to go to my new environment, my new surroundings, my new office, my new station, my new lifestyle, my own earnings, MY NEW SCHOOL OF FRIENDS! Wooo Peeee!

I want to thank MOM AND DAD, my brother, myself and fate ~ GOD! I just wanna PRAISE THE LORD! I'm getting ready for the interview tomorrow and I've already selected my attire, and how I'm gonna look like and get some good enough sound sleep tonight. TEN TOMORROW MORNING. I prayed to God for smooth flow and smooth process and smooth timing. No mistakes. Unwind myself. Let myself be utterly prepared. Talk smoothly. Talk wisely. No sneezing, no rubbing, no itching, no wiping, my hands are all mine for today. Walk graciously. Act normally. Feel at ease and fluent in speech. Amen.