Tuesday, January 18, 2011


One of Dorothy Parker's more telling retorts was in answer to a snobbish young man who had been discoursing at some length at a party and had finally observed, "I simply can't bear fools."

"How odd," was Miss Parker's reply. "Apparently your mother could."

"You do not remember my name?" a lady said one time upon meeting Henry Clay. "No," was the prompt and gallant response, "for when we first met I was sure your beauty and accomplishments would very soon compel you to change it."

In a hat shop a saleslady gushed, "That's a darling hat. Really,it makes you look ten years younger."

"Then I don't want it," retorted the customer. "I can't afford to put on ten years every time I take off my hat."

At the finish of the filming of Bill of Divorcement, Katharine Hepburn turned to John Barrymore and said, "Thank God, I don't have to act any more with you."

"Oh," he replied, "I didn't know you ever had, darling."

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