Friday, March 18, 2011

Gwen Soon, Lilac Yong, Prudence Foong, Monica Liao and Taylor Lynn (Wan).

From Left to Right ( Kiri ke Kanan ):- Gwen Soon, Lilac Yong, Prudence Foong, Monica Liao and Taylor Lynn (Wan-Ling/Elaine).

Motivation Camp 2009, hitch-hiking, went to visit the museum in our shorts and T's. Rather unapparel really but our coach said it was Okay. We were camping out and in the evening wandered out into the museum. All five of us were team-mates. We were hysterical and we were all girls....

Said Monica : I'd like to spend the night in a "haunted museum"....

Taylor Lynn : Are ya sure sis????

Gwen Soon : I can sing like Gwen Stefani out here in the night.....only thing is, I'll be heard. Hey, are ya sure there are any GHOST around????'Cause I would sure like to meet one!

Prudence : Don't be silly, there aren't such a thing as GHOST???? hey, Have ya seen the latest GHOSTBUSTER movie lately?

Lilac Yong : Are you all a bunch of silly scroundrels? Follow the lead, look, Taylor Lynn is way in front looking at those dead Mannequins - shouldn't we take one home and sleep with em...huh?

Taylor (Me) : Don't who who me..... I'd like to dress em UP, that's all! C'mon follow me, I've found the dead animals.......

Monica Liao : Taylor, can't you stay beside me?
Taylor (Me) : Why?
Monica Liao : I brush against the hair of a hamster and its fur makes me scary and I'm now full of jitters....
Taylor (Me) : Alright, I stay by your side at all times.... I'm a staunch Buddhist, and I don't believe in Ghosts....

Gwen at me: Lynn, didn't you become a witch yourself????
Taylor (Me) : Hell no, I just like to hang around with em.. that's all..
Prudence Foong : Do you know of any spells to ward OFF Ghosts????
Lilac Yong said : Prudence, remember the last time you asked me to bring a talisman to protect against harm ?

Taylor (Me) : Yeahhh, I have one here, it's said by the witches to protect the holder against evil.

Monica : Don't give me that Crab!!!!

All five of us finished our rounds at the Musuem and went back to our campsite. We all went home the next and sound.

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