Thursday, March 17, 2011

Moira, Banning, Hilda and Me (Taylor Lynn).

Moira is 42 years old, married and divorced. Banning is a spinster, aged 42 and Hilda is also married and divorced two times, had three children of two different fathers and I am married and have two sons with a biological father. I am currently unattached and single. I did not renewed my marriage vows but I did not sign the divorce papers. Legally I'm married. But I'm living alone with my biological parents and I am independent.

My sons are living with their father and Nanny Mcphee. I am doing research on my own and working as an Outreach Officer at Phileo. I am self-employed by my current big boss and I enjoyed my job and work very much. I helped my Mom everyday and my duties are fulfilled on time....

Moira is very against men nowadays. Banning is not interested in men at all and Hilda has a whole lot of make-up supply to fulfill her dreams.... All four of us love to eat and hang out at shopping malls a lot.
We are good students in our time. We are all women and we are adults. We take care of each other and we count on each other as friends. We are good friends. We believe in fate and destiny. We are all career-driven and currently all of us failed in our relationships....

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