Thursday, March 17, 2011

My TRIP to CHINA with my Hamilton Friends.

My three friends, Moira,Banning and Hilda, and I (Taylor Lynn)~photographer, went to China last year. We went by British Airways, because Moira got four tickets on her air-line yearly trip and she invited me to join her in her tour of China. Moira works for British Airways and she is an attendant at the airport. Moira is the one in blue and she stand tallest. Hilda is the most beautiful one on the right hand side of the picture and I am the photographer. Banning has been working for British Airways for the past twenty years.....She is an airport attendant and receptionist at the counter.

I used to fly British Airways on my EuroTrip with my family in the year 1993 (aged 24). I am now retired and at the age 42. I love all my Hamilton friends and we got along very well, in fact extremely well.

THANKS TO BRITISH AIRWAYS! our trip was fabulous but I gave all my photos away to my friends and I didn't keep the negatives as I also them all up to Moira.This is the only photo that I've got in rememberance of my friends and I and I treasure them. We arrived back home safely. Our trip was fun and exciting and we spent all our money on the trip but replenished them back safely during our working days.....

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