Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm so HAPPY , I want to PRAISE the LORD at ALL TIMES! ):

I'm so happy that I've found a JOB! I'll be STARTING WORK! I just can't wait to go to my new environment, my new surroundings, my new office, my new station, my new lifestyle, my own earnings, MY NEW SCHOOL OF FRIENDS! Wooo Peeee!

I want to thank MOM AND DAD, my brother, myself and fate ~ GOD! I just wanna PRAISE THE LORD! I'm getting ready for the interview tomorrow and I've already selected my attire, and how I'm gonna look like and get some good enough sound sleep tonight. TEN TOMORROW MORNING. I prayed to God for smooth flow and smooth process and smooth timing. No mistakes. Unwind myself. Let myself be utterly prepared. Talk smoothly. Talk wisely. No sneezing, no rubbing, no itching, no wiping, my hands are all mine for today. Walk graciously. Act normally. Feel at ease and fluent in speech. Amen.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Christ is about Suffering when I chose Christ, now I chose Nirvana, painless kingdom......death.

Beauty is in looking at Christ but when the tough gets too rough , the tough gets going. I have turned to seek Nirvana, painlessness kingdom........death.

Let me say one more important thing about freedom : Freedom does not consist in doing what I want to do but in doing what I WAS DESIGNED TO DO. If I do what I want to do, I wind up not liking what I' do. What at first promises liberty turns out to be a more onerous slavery. It means, I have to do my duties, and obligations, after surpassing stage after stage, I have found my pursuit of happiness - absolute FREEDOM. Wow!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hellooo, I'm gonna start working at the Shopping Mall Outside next year!

I'm gonna start WORK at the SHOPPING MALL come next year when it officially opens with the new Chinese School in BCH, Rawang. I'm so Happy as I intended to find some extra bucks that could melt my Heart's Desire! My mom had said Yes! I'm intrigued as to whether Christmas is ever gonna come.I want to find work pretty badly and I've got my key, finally. The key to FREEDOM! Hurray! May the God of Jesus Christ REIGNS! Halleluyah as at Glory , glory Man United! Hip Hip Hooray! I am pleased that I've finally got my key to start a working lifestyle, I am no longer branded a lazy snake as a housekeeper, housewife!

My lethargy has gotten over me for the past twelve years and I am DYING badly for a WORKING LIFESTYLE NEAR MY HOME. I've found it at last!!!!! And My Mom and Dad had said YES!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


When I found this photo it is under "STUPID GIRL". I don't know why but I like this photo a lot too. It is about embracing self. The truth is I AM STUPID. That's how I was born. I was BORN THIS WAY!-Lady Gaga. I wish I could be like Lady Gaga but I am not from that kind of world. The worldly things are never at reach but the strive is always the hardest in a world full of ferociousness! That is how Malaysian girls grew. Purity and Magnificence!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Do the right things. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful. Forgiveness heals everything. HOWEVER GOOD OR BAD A SITUATION IS, IT WILL CHANGE. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. When you awake alive in the morning, don't take it for granted - EMBRACE LIFE. Your inner most is always happy. So , be HAPPY! Last but not least, Enjoy LIFE! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Myself :D @WanLingLiew

Hi,my name is Wan-Ling, and this year I'm 42 years of age. I live with my parents and a brother.My elder brother and his family are living in Australia and all his children are Australians.My own sister is married and living with a daughter in South Africa.She is working there too and she supports her own daughter. I am married to Y.T.Tan and I have two sons, Kenneth and Edward. They are schooling at a private Chinese School in Selangor. I have been married for 13 years. My mother-in-law is in charge of my husband's household and her grandchildren. Currently, I am living the American Dream and I am living the Aussie's way of life. My past time is surfing the net and reading.

I love to exercise everyday. In fact my parents are always exercising daily to stay alive and keeping up with the world. My brother is studying for his doctorate. I am helping my mother with the daily chores of everyday life. I am staying here for good because my children has grown up and they respected their own privacy. My partner's house is very small and cramped. My mother-in-law keeps the house clean and tidy and she also cooks for her son and her grandchildren. I am not living with her and my partner. It is better this way as we both demanded our freedom as well as our children's. So far we haven't spoken but we haven't quarrel at all.

I listened to the radio and my mom listens to her hi-fi downstairs. She listens to 98.8FM a chinese channel. I don't disturb my brother's privacy and he goes to his games playing Badminton at the court. I don't go to the gym to work out. I work out at home in the privacy of my own bedroom. I do push-ups, crunches and the cobra. I am keeping a low profile as I am not a publicity person. I'm down-to-earth and likes to spend time with my computer and my radio transistors and enjoying a walk at the park. I also go to the temple to pray.

So far my life has been serene. Just recently , I went down with flu and I went to 1 MALAYSIA to get my medicine and consult the doctor. I was treated very nicely and the queue wasn 't too long. There was a TV set provided and the medicine was good. I was healed on the third day of taking his medication..It was a stomach flu with fever and phlegm followed by coughing. The cough mixture was very tasty and after I finished the bottle, my cough slowly disappears. I thank God for 1 MALAYSIA.( a governmental clinic ):D

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gwen Soon, Lilac Yong, Prudence Foong, Monica Liao and Taylor Lynn (Wan).

From Left to Right ( Kiri ke Kanan ):- Gwen Soon, Lilac Yong, Prudence Foong, Monica Liao and Taylor Lynn (Wan-Ling/Elaine).

Motivation Camp 2009, hitch-hiking, went to visit the museum in our shorts and T's. Rather unapparel really but our coach said it was Okay. We were camping out and in the evening wandered out into the museum. All five of us were team-mates. We were hysterical and we were all girls....

Said Monica : I'd like to spend the night in a "haunted museum"....

Taylor Lynn : Are ya sure sis????

Gwen Soon : I can sing like Gwen Stefani out here in the night.....only thing is, I'll be heard. Hey, are ya sure there are any GHOST around????'Cause I would sure like to meet one!

Prudence : Don't be silly, there aren't such a thing as GHOST???? hey, Have ya seen the latest GHOSTBUSTER movie lately?

Lilac Yong : Are you all a bunch of silly scroundrels? Follow the lead, look, Taylor Lynn is way in front looking at those dead Mannequins - shouldn't we take one home and sleep with em...huh?

Taylor (Me) : Don't who who me..... I'd like to dress em UP, that's all! C'mon follow me, I've found the dead animals.......

Monica Liao : Taylor, can't you stay beside me?
Taylor (Me) : Why?
Monica Liao : I brush against the hair of a hamster and its fur makes me scary and I'm now full of jitters....
Taylor (Me) : Alright, I stay by your side at all times.... I'm a staunch Buddhist, and I don't believe in Ghosts....

Gwen at me: Lynn, didn't you become a witch yourself????
Taylor (Me) : Hell no, I just like to hang around with em.. that's all..
Prudence Foong : Do you know of any spells to ward OFF Ghosts????
Lilac Yong said : Prudence, remember the last time you asked me to bring a talisman to protect against harm ?

Taylor (Me) : Yeahhh, I have one here, it's said by the witches to protect the holder against evil.

Monica : Don't give me that Crab!!!!

All five of us finished our rounds at the Musuem and went back to our campsite. We all went home the next and sound.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Moira, Banning, Hilda and Me (Taylor Lynn).

Moira is 42 years old, married and divorced. Banning is a spinster, aged 42 and Hilda is also married and divorced two times, had three children of two different fathers and I am married and have two sons with a biological father. I am currently unattached and single. I did not renewed my marriage vows but I did not sign the divorce papers. Legally I'm married. But I'm living alone with my biological parents and I am independent.

My sons are living with their father and Nanny Mcphee. I am doing research on my own and working as an Outreach Officer at Phileo. I am self-employed by my current big boss and I enjoyed my job and work very much. I helped my Mom everyday and my duties are fulfilled on time....

Moira is very against men nowadays. Banning is not interested in men at all and Hilda has a whole lot of make-up supply to fulfill her dreams.... All four of us love to eat and hang out at shopping malls a lot.
We are good students in our time. We are all women and we are adults. We take care of each other and we count on each other as friends. We are good friends. We believe in fate and destiny. We are all career-driven and currently all of us failed in our relationships....

My TRIP to CHINA with my Hamilton Friends.

My three friends, Moira,Banning and Hilda, and I (Taylor Lynn)~photographer, went to China last year. We went by British Airways, because Moira got four tickets on her air-line yearly trip and she invited me to join her in her tour of China. Moira works for British Airways and she is an attendant at the airport. Moira is the one in blue and she stand tallest. Hilda is the most beautiful one on the right hand side of the picture and I am the photographer. Banning has been working for British Airways for the past twenty years.....She is an airport attendant and receptionist at the counter.

I used to fly British Airways on my EuroTrip with my family in the year 1993 (aged 24). I am now retired and at the age 42. I love all my Hamilton friends and we got along very well, in fact extremely well.

THANKS TO BRITISH AIRWAYS! our trip was fabulous but I gave all my photos away to my friends and I didn't keep the negatives as I also them all up to Moira.This is the only photo that I've got in rememberance of my friends and I and I treasure them. We arrived back home safely. Our trip was fun and exciting and we spent all our money on the trip but replenished them back safely during our working days.....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Alicia Keys - Superwoman

8 March 2011 marked International Women's Day! (Tuesday) What have You done For Me Lately?????

The TOP 7 SLEEP KILLERS - And How To Solve Them.

All you want to do is close your eyes until morning, but instead you're stuck in bed wide awake, watching the minutes tick by. It's three in the morning, and once again, you're staring at the ceiling as your mind races. Not being able to nod off when you want to is agonizing. And you're not the only one with the problem. Two-thirds of women report trouble sleeping several nights each week. So what's keeping you up? READ ON for the factors, habits and behaviors that have been killing your sleep, then the simple FIXES.

Related : When Stress Keeps You Up At Night.
Even slivers of light - the kind that sneaks in through a crack in your blinds or the blueish glow of a computer monitor LEFT ON - can keep you awake. "Light signals your brain to stop producing melatonin, the HORMONES that regulates your sleep and wake cycles," says Shelby Freedman Harris, PhD, clinical psychologist at the Sleep - Wake Disorders Center at New York City.

The Solution : Get black-out SHADES, chuck your digital clock for one without an LCD display, shut off your COMPUTER before turning in - whatever it takes to make your room PITCH-BLACK, suggests clinical psychologist, Michael Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleep. If light still gets in, consider wearing an eye mask to bed.

SLEEP KILLER 2 : An Erratic Meal Schedule.
Not having a set time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday makes it tough for your body to know when to send out sleepliners signals. "That's because your internal body clock, which tells your system when to sleep and when to wake, relies on cues from the environment, like mealtimes," explains Breus. If these cues vary greatly from day to day - say one night you have dinner at 8, then the next at 10, and then on the third day at 6 - your system has trouble keeping track of time and knowing when to start winding down, he adds.

The Solution : Stick to a routine meal schedule each day, even on weekends as much as you can. B vitamins help regulate sleep patterns, so eat foods rich in these nutrients ( like whole-grain cereals, nuts, broccoli and potatoes ).

Related: 7 ways to Fall Asleep When You Feel Wired.
SLEEP KILLER 3 : Your Evening Second Wind.

It's a common scenario : After feeling draggy all day, you're suddenly struck with a burst of energy at night. Of course, it's hard to resist taking advantage of this jolt, so you decide to organize your closet or pop in a workout DVD, for example. Then when it's time for you to turn in, you're too WIRED to DOZE OFF.

Here's what's probably triggering it: What feels like a SURGE in ENERGY could really be a rush of anxiety prompted by increased production of the HORMONES CORTISOL and ADRENALINE, which your system pumps out when you're sleep-deprived, says Breus. Using this hormone rush to further stay awake makes you feel WIRED at first, then ultimately, even more fatigued, he adds.

The solution : Try hard not to give in to that HORMONE FUELED ANXIETY SURGE, or use it to do something relaxing, like reading a good book that doesn't cause you to put off going to bed at a decent hour.

SLEEP KILLER 4 : Your Beauty Routine.
Beware of what you put on your face and in your body before turning out the lights. Certain SCENTS, HERBS, and SPICES encourage your brain to wake up not shut off. One example: PEPPERMINT, Scrubbing your face with a peppermint skin wash or brushing your teeth with a PEPPERMINT TOOTHPASTE can keep you awake, says Harris. Eucalyptus and Rosemary-scented products also amp up your alertness.

The solution : Save the energizing scents for the morning, when you need that extra help to get going. In the p.m., "use a mild toothpaste, and LAVENDER SCENTED face wash or body lotion, since LAVENDER has been shown to cue your body to slow down.

SLEEP KILLER 5 : Your menstrual cycle.
Ever notice that sleeplessness seem to strike just before your period?????Blame it on a natural dip in the HORMONE PROGESTERONE - which helps you sleep soundly - during your preperiod week, explains Kathryn A.Lee, PhD, a nurse researcher who specializes in sleep disorders at the university.

The Solution : Anticipate a monthly inability to snooze so you won't let it get you frustrated and irritated, and use the time to tackle projects you otherwise have no time for.

Related : 5 Foods that Make Your Period Happier ( whole-grained cereals, nuts, broccoli,potatoes,alcohol )

Alcohol is a depressant, and a drink before bed can relax you enough to fall asleep easily. Unfortunately the sleepiness probably won't last. "Alcohol is metabolized quickly, and once it's out of your system, your body experiences withdrawal symptoms that can interrupt your sleep,"says clinical psychologist Anne Bartolucci, PhD. President of Atlanta Insomnia and Behavioral Health Services.

The Solution : Plan for last call to be about four hours before you think you'll be going to bed so your body has time to metabolize the alcohol completely and the resulting withdrawal symptoms won't disturb you.

SLEEP KILLER 7 : Your Expectations.
Though eight hours is the average amount of sleep most adults need per night, lots of people need even more, while others can function perfectly well on six, five, or even four hours. "But if you sleep for longer than your body requires, you'll have trouble falling asleep or keep waking too early in the morning," says Bartolucci.

The solution : Figure out how much sleep you truly need by hitting the hay and waking up sans an alarm for a week. If, toward the seventh day, you find yourself waking after seven hours, then that's probably your number (AGE).

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Direct Sales Company - GOODS!

Direct Sales Company are for buying and selling goods. Those people are called "Distributors" or in-short, "Salesmen". These people earn their money through "komisyens".

For my personal point of view, I think "Direct Sales" cater for SAHM ( "Stay-At-Home-Mums") or WAHM ("Work-At-Home-Moms") who wants to add extra spice to their living. Earning the money is NOT easy. It takes a lot of hard work and strive. I've been through it, that's why I can tell you all. "The most I've earn through Direct Selling is only a mere 200 ringgit. Maybe it's because I stopped. For I listened to Mom.

It is good to use your membership card to buy and use the goods for your ownself and for your household, but it is not good to earn a living through "direct sales" because you WILL NOT SUCCEED. The requirement and expectation is extremely HIGH and most women, nine out of ten are UNABLE to FULFILL them (policies and procedures - you've got to OWN a SHOP in order to take home the trophy).

Working hard does not mean you will fulfill your company's wishes but when your family looks down on you, you will be extremely pressured. Life does not go by this way. If your family sees the LIGHT in You and approves them, only to see you FAILED, you will deteriorate. Success comes in many forms, and one of them is by listening to your parents.

Strive well in order to win. But strive also to achieve what is required of you in your family's eyes.There is a commitment to be fulfilled. I don't like the feeling too, but we've got to do it for it is our responsibility as adults, as parents and as a growing need to the society to be heedious and oblige to the community as a whole. Serve to be an example.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Save MONEY!

I cut my own hair, I cut my own fringe. I cut my long straight hair one inch. At the front, looking at the mirror, it's easy to cut with a good pair of scissors........I like my hairstyle, I design my own student-look and I achieve my goals within a budget. Quick span. Easy and Light. Your wish is my command. I cut my Mom's hair (at the back) for her. But I don't like other people to cut my hair without my consent. I designed my own extra look - versatile long curly locks.

My fringe is like this, Justin Bieber's but I have a line at the left hand corner and long curly hair at the back. I like Justin Bieber's front hair-fringe. My face and forehead look something like Justin Bieber's. But I am a girl and I have long black slightly curly hair, dyed, turns out looking reddish and brown. My hair-dye previously used two years ago was auburn copper red.
I managed my hair well, I managed my head well too. Adioos.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cod Liver Oil Forte for JOINT PAINS and Multi-Vitamins from A to ZINC for energy and Vitality! Vitamins C for immunity, B-Complex for Nerves and Vitamin E for beautiful Skin!!! Package for LONGEVITY!

I am a regular patron at the pharmacies. I always spent my time with medicinal needs for myself and for my family. I have come upon a REVELATION for OPTIMUM Vitality and Good Performance / Good Showmanship! The most important is Vitamins A to ZINC (Multi-vitamins) for daily working in front of the computer, for daily waking up early in the morning without yawning and snoring, going back to sleep! It is a MUST to acquire COMPETENCY! and skill in your best performance showmanship JOB!!!

Good sportsmanship comes from having absolute Vitality - a clear and conscious mind and a good night's rest. Then one can think clearly and logically. Vitamins A to ZINC ( A pack of multivitamins ) comes in handy to those who stayed up late, worked on the computer for hours and never get enough sleep at night. Absolute POTENCY! A clear and conscious mind always alert on the roads and acquire good motor skills. Take Multi-vitamins for absolute awareness as well as perform well in your daily living!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Chance to see Taylor Swift "LIVE" in the UK and $1000.00 in facebook frenzy!

A Chance to see Taylor Swift 'LIVE' in the UK and a share of RedFm's RM20k Facebook Frenzy!

I don't think that people there are going to choose me although my thoughts are right and I do my homework well and I do wish to pick up my cellular mobile and dial the number when I hear my name being called out ~ the fact is that wishes do come true and wishes also do not exist. I don't have any ill-intentions on anybody, I always do good and charity has been worthwhile to my eyes, but I do secretly wished that my name be called out on the Last Day and the Last One to be called Out!

Even if my name does not exist in their eyes as a significant winner, well, I guess all's well that ends well, I don't have to report to my mother on this and I don't have to ask for transportation to my destination of output. No worries or depreciation, my skill enhanced, thanks, but I do wish to be among the winners if not part of the share of 20K. I deem myself FIT for a price because I worked hard at it.

There's another week to go and five more days to wait, I have gotten used to waiting because I used to wait for HOURS at the bus-stop or terminal, I guess it's no harm waiting for a little bit of money to spend. I am quite a patient woman of virtue. I will remain calm and meditate with new age from Reiki. Thanks to Nina.

I am also excited about my new intervention and my desire to compete is good. I don't seem to reach an anticipated results that I wanted but at least the terms to play are always there and I am always ready to fight. Fight for a chance to see Taylor Swift's concert LIVE in UK and maybe $1000.00 share of the RedFm's 20K facebook frenzy which I have put my heart and soul onto these days......

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One of Dorothy Parker's more telling retorts was in answer to a snobbish young man who had been discoursing at some length at a party and had finally observed, "I simply can't bear fools."

"How odd," was Miss Parker's reply. "Apparently your mother could."

"You do not remember my name?" a lady said one time upon meeting Henry Clay. "No," was the prompt and gallant response, "for when we first met I was sure your beauty and accomplishments would very soon compel you to change it."

In a hat shop a saleslady gushed, "That's a darling hat. Really,it makes you look ten years younger."

"Then I don't want it," retorted the customer. "I can't afford to put on ten years every time I take off my hat."

At the finish of the filming of Bill of Divorcement, Katharine Hepburn turned to John Barrymore and said, "Thank God, I don't have to act any more with you."

"Oh," he replied, "I didn't know you ever had, darling."

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Art of Staying Together.....always.

This picture reminds me of Heaven....or so it seems since my schooldays taught me of Bible Knowledge. But in reality it only exist in OUR minds... I took this photo on top of a mountain and I saw the sparrows flying by and I just LOVE the sky and its vast continuous beauty. Beauty abound, the mysteries of the sky has always fascinated me and my love for God and the heavens above transported me every now and then into eternity.

Here's another picture which I will depict.
Breakfast in Bed. How many of you married couples EVER had any , I mean try Breakfast in Bed in a Hotel or a 5 Star Luxurious Suite???? Call the waiter. Make the call, pay for the bill. Will any one of you men out there dare do this for your wife, just recently married on a Honeymoon trip before going back to work???

I never had this opportunity because my man wouldn't do this for me. I had to pay the bill by myself. So I decided one day to make up my mind that if I EVER went back there to that Luxurious Hotel with a loaded paycheck , just bring a companian (a safe one) and try this with HER, after a fantastic dip at the jacuzzi and a day spent relaxing at the SPA, spent an enjoyable evening at the Bar /Pub ( under scrutiny -because I'm a girl, and a respected one) ,dance my jitters out in frenzy (just once in a lifetime) and sleep in content with no noise......Wake up in the morning to have room service deliver me a terrific breakfast in my own Suite!

P/S My companian would be my mother......

My angel, my love, my messenger, my saviour.......!!!!

                                                   Any comments???

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Love and Skill Works together to create a Masterpiece!!!!

Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live, Oh take, take, take it all but you never give; Should've known you were trouble from the first kiss, Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?????

I'd catch a grenade for ya, throw my head on a blade for ya, I'd jump in front of a train for ya, You know I'd do anything for ya!!!!!

Remember that moment when you locked eyes with your crush in the campus canteen and the track " You're Beautiful " played so seamlessly in the background? What about the finals at the inter-varsity soccer match when the spectator stand roared to the beats of "Pump It"???? Or the time when your tutorial mates got jiggy wit' it to the tunes of "Bringing Sexyback" at the Orientation fair? As Moloko sang it, nothing can come close to this familiar feeling.

Who are these unsung heroes who made those special moments extra vivid????To the oblivious, radio stations helmed by students are sprouting in campuses nation-wide. From SMU's Bras Brash Brudders, to NTU's Radio Fusion, student DeeJays have been creating the definitive campus soundtrack, and embellishing every bit of our varsity lives.......Go Go Go, dancehall reggae...

Thank You , Today's Best Music and Malaysia's Best Variety!